Title:The Hero
Characters:The Hero (hunta) The Wrestler (tom and john) The Guards (jeff and steve) the golem ()
Scene/Setting : outside castle,outside blacksmith,down ally way.
Problem :golem attack
Slition: super punch
Hunta :(outside of castle)I wish I could go in the castle
Jeff and Steve : go away shounent you be selling love potions
Hunta : why are the guards so mean (walking back to his house)
Hunta : (sighs)(going off to sleep)
Hunta : (waking up) it's a beautiful morning (opening the curtains)
Tom and John : ( Bursting into the room) there's a golem attacking the city
Hunta : where
Tom : outside
Hunta : let's go (running outside)
John : ahhhhhhhhhh (flying through the air)
Hunta : quick down here (running down an alleyway)
John : what should we do (looking over his shoulder)
Hunta : a super punch
Tom John and Hunta : ready go!! (charging at the golem)
Golem: trrrrhhhhhhh (flying away)
Tom John and Hunta : YAY!!!!!!! (dancing around)
Hunta : thank you
Tom and John : no problem (walking off)